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Celebrate Valentines Day with XYLONDON - fourteen facts you may not know!

As you no doubt already know, Valentine’s Day, or the Feast of Saint Valentine, is celebrated every year on 14th February. It has become the one day of the year where we get to show our other halfs chocolate and roses.

That’s great of course, but who was St. Valentine? How did chocolates and red roses get involved? Why do you wear your heart on your sleeve? Here we are taking a look at all the facts you perhaps didn’t already know about the big day from the team at XY London! Time to get those strappy red High Heels on ready!

1. How did Valentine’s Day begin?

It is thought that in the third century AD there was a priest from Rome called Valentine. Marriages in Rome had been banned by the Emperor Claudius II because he felt that married men couldn't be good soldiers as they are distracted. Valentine thought this was unfair and helped many couples to marry in secret. Claudius on discovering this, sentenced Valentine to death and threw him in jail, where he fell in love with the jailer's daughter. As he was about to be made a martyr on February 14, but managed to send her a love note first signed ‘from your Valentine’!

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2. What is the tradition with red roses?

Venus – the Roman goddess of love adored this red flower.

3. What does King Henry VIII have to do with Valentines Day?

It was actually King Henry VIII who, back in 1537 by Royal Charter, declared that in England all would celebrate ‘Saint Valentines Day’ on February 14!

4. How does the Duke of Orleans fit into the Valentines card story?

The Duke of Orleans, whilst imprisoned within the Tower of London in the 15th century, sent a message of love to his wife, which is recorded as one of the earliest Valentine’s cards.

5. Why has it got to be red all the way, as the colour of the day on Valentines? 

Back in the day, it was believed that the heart was the part of the body that the feeling of love stemmed from. As the heart pumped red blood around the body, this colour became the symbol of love. So why not follow your heart and get some sexy red valentines day shoes, to add those all important touches to this special day.

6. Why do we symbolise an ‘X’ with a kiss?

In medieval times when many were not able to write, if they needed to sign in front of a witness, they would do this with an ‘X’ and then kiss the parchment in order to show their sincerity.

7. How many letters of love do we write?

In the region of a billion Valentine’s Day cards are given around the world each year. This makes it the second largest greetings card day of the year, just pipped by Christmas.

8. So, who is this cupid?

Cupid is the god of beauty and love and also the son of Venus, herself the Roman goddess of love and beauty.

9. Where did the saying ‘to wear your heart on your sleeve’ come from?

Way back in the Middle Ages there was a tradition for men and women to draw names from a bowl to see who would be their Valentine. The piece of paper containing the special name would be worn on their sleeve for one week.

10. What started the tradition of giving chocolate on Valentines day?

Well, one of the first boxes of chocolates was actually made in the shape of a heart, so very fitting, and was given by Richard Cadbury, the famous chocolatier, to his beloved in1868.

11. How do others around the world celebrate Valentine’s day?

In the Philippines on Valentine’s Day it isn’t just about love it’s about weddings, too! February 14th is their most popular day to get married.

12. So where do singles fit into Valentines day?

In many countries throughout the world Valentine’s Day also doubles as Singles Awareness Day. In China, however, it is celebrated on Nov 11 and many singletons treat themselves to some online shopping too (maybe to find some sexy red heels)! The date has been dubbed China’s ‘Black Friday’!

13. Take a guess at how many roses are sent each Valentines Day?

In the region of 50 million roses are given on Valentine’s Day throughout the world.

14. What do we do for our pets on valentines day?

At least 9 million people purchase their pets a special gift on Valentine’s Day. Aaaaaaaahhh!

So if even the pets can be treated to a special little something on Valentines day, why not treat yourself to a pair of fab XYLondon shoes and add some real impact to that special Valentines Day outfit! From High Heels, Boots to Flats- we've got em all babe!

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