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Things to Keep you Busy During COVID-19

Go for a walk

If it’s around the area of your home to somewhere quiet with one person from your household, this is the only time you may escape the walls of your home other than shopping for necessities, helping vulnerable people or for essential work. A walk once a day in the fresh air will do both your mind and body the world of good, so ensure you make the most of being outside while we’re lucky enough to have the weather for it! You don’t need to run to burn off those extra calories you’ve been eating over lockdown, walking will do the job especially if you have the baby strapped to your back and the dog on a lead.


Because nothing beats the feeling you get when eating cake baked by yourself. If you didn’t plan on baking so don’t have the ingredients you’d usually use, try experimenting with whatever you have left in the house. Did you know you can even use fruit pulp leftover from juicing as an ingredient, so while you’re creating something tasty you’re also helping to minimise household waste!

Video Call Friends & Family

As it’s not possible for us to have social gatherings, video calls are the next best thing! If you haven’t already tried it then you really should, you’ll be surprised at how much it feels like you’re in actually in the room together. Here are some of the methods you can use to make a video call: Facetime, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger and Houseparty. The Houseparty app has been taking the world by a storm, it allows you to video call an impressive 8 people in one go. Not only can you have a good catch up but it’s perfect for playing games together, how about arranging a Friday night to get glammed up to have a video call games night with friends?

Online Retail Therapy

What better way to cheer yourself up than to do a spot of online shopping! Be practical, treat yourself to comfy loungewear and the latest trending trainers so you can relax at home without having to wear pyjamas. Waiting for your present to yourself to be delivered may just be the most exciting thing that happens all week! It’s great for your self-esteem take care of your appearance even if you know nobody will see you, or if you’re a selfie queen it’s a perfect excuse to carry on getting dressed up every day. Just for your information XY London Is operating as usual with safe despatch and deliveries, we’re always keeping up to date with the latest guidelines to keep everyone safe during this strange time. Why not cheer yourself up with a pair of our stunning flat sandals to slip into when you’re chilling in the garden enjoying a BBQ.


Take Part in an Online Celebrity Lead Workout

Use all this spare time to get yourself a hot bod! Did you know the celebrity fitness and health enthusiast Joe Wicks The Body Coach holds live 30 minute PE lessons Monday to Friday. He’s made it clear that although these YouTube workouts are aimed at kids, they’re suitable for all ages to get involved with. As well as finding Joe’s PE lessons on YouTube you’ll also find over 250 free workouts aimed at adults if you’re seriously going for the burn! Also make sure you keep an eye on your fave celebrities you follow on Instagram, as many are taking to streaming live workouts on their stories!

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