How to do Fashion in the UK snow and everything you could possibly want to know about the fluffy white stuff!

How to do Fashion in the UK snow and everything you could possibly want to know about the fluffy white stuff!
What to wear to keep warm
You can still keep on trend even if you have to wrap up! Nobody is going to see what’s under your hoody, so make sure you’ve got your thermal vest on with layers and layers of long sleeve tops to ensure you’re snug as a bug in a rug! Step into a pair of thermal tights, maybe even two pairs… yes even if you’re wearing trousers, what’s wrong with that if nobody is going to see them!? Refrain from the cold creeping up your legs by wearing black Woolley socks hidden under your Cheryl boots & trousers. Puffer coats are one of the top fashion trends this season which is perfect for staying toasty, be bold and go for a bright colour to make a statement! Most importantly make sure you wear boots with a textured or cleated sole, go for something like our Cheryl boots to prevent slipping and landing on the deck! Keeping your feet dry is a must, choose a synthetic leather boot to repel the water! Follow our guide and stay warm girlies, you don’t want to get frost bite!
Easy food favourites for to warm your cockles!
Cheese & Beans Jacket Potato
Nothing beats an oozy melted cheesy beans jacket potato when you’re feeling chilly! Plus the great news is all you have to do is stab a few holes, throw in the oven for an hour and sit back and let the magic happen. Just be sure to make the skin nice and crispy, this is essential for the best tasting experience. For the ultimate mouth-watering goals mix cheese in with the beans when heating, sprinkle cheese underneath the beans & finally on top and a final melt in the oven is a must! Before popping into ones mouth add a sprinkle of salt & pepper and you’re ready to go.
Toad in the Hole
Hold tight don’t panic, toad in the hole is easy… As long as you have an electric whisk that is, if not at least you can skip an arms session at the gym! This heart-warming dish requires minimal ingredients, Perfect for saving the pennies if you’re a student. Here’s what you’ll need; 3 eggs, milk, plain flour, olive oil, salt & pepper and last but not least sausages!! To make simply throw all ingredients in together (don’t worry about what traditional recipes say)! Once you have everything in the mixing bowl whisk away, whilst you’re doing so drizzle oil in a large dish with the sausages & place in the oven. After 10 minutes add the Yorkshire pudding mixture and throw back in the oven. Now chill out, catch up on celebs go dating and wait 20 minutes. Once you’re creation has transformed into a beautiful golden brown toad in the hole remove from the oven, dish up and gobble up until you pass out into a food coma!
How to have fun in the snow
Snow paint
Your snow sculptures don’t have to stay white & fluffy, why not bring everything to life with a splash of snow paint! All you need is food colouring and water, both in which are nature friendly and cheap! Grab yourself a few old water bottles, the amount depending on the colours you need, pour a large amount of different food colourings into each bottle, add water and that’s it. Start off by wrapping up nice and warm, we recommend wearing thick gloves with latex gloves over the top to stay clean and dry. Once you’re wrapped up warm and armed with paint brushes it’s time to brave the cold, and search for an untouched area of gorgeous snow. Once you’ve found your area get building your masterpiece, think outside the box and create something out of this world like a monster (you can then name it The Beat from the East)! When your ‘Beast from the East’ has been built it’s time for the paint! Simply dip your brush into the bottle and paint away!!! This is something that is great for both adults & the big kids out there.
DIY sledding
Forget about going out and spending a fortune on the best sled money can buy, you may just have what you need at home! Even if you have all the money in the world you may not even be able to make your way to the shops, that’s why we have your essential guide to help you create your very own makeshift DIY sled (many need NO AMMENDMENTS)!
This option is great for an afternoon of sledding, just don’t expect it to last longer than a day! No need to panic your cardboard sled doesn’t have to look as spectacular as the one in our picture, a simple piece of flat pack cardboard will do just the trick! Put your hats and gloves on, take your cardboard and find a hill to get slipping and sliding.
Dinner Tray
This is one of our personal favourite makeshift sleds! The fact that the tray is small and light weight it makes it easy to transport, plus it’s great for an impromptu snow ball fight. Not only is it easy to transport it has a streamline surface which makes it an ideal sliding machine!
Washing basket
Are you a health and safety freak? Well this one may be a little more up your street… We bring to you the washing basket! The washing basket has a few safety features which the others do not offer; the first being a strong solid structure to keep you securely in place, you even have the luxury of small handles to hold onto for comfort. Not only does this option have a secure structure and handles you also have high sides, this will prevent you from becoming separated from your seat (nobody wants a frosty bottom).
We hope you all find our snow guide useful in some way or another, but most importantly stay safe, wrap up warm and have FUN!!!!!!!!