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Exciting Lockdown Updates

It was music to our ears to hear the announcement from Boris Johnson, that lockdown will be eased on the 4th July in England. This next phase is the moment most of us have been patiently waiting for, yes you guessed it’s the reopening of Restaurants, Pubs, and cafes along with a few others! Although things won’t be ‘normal’ for an exceptionally long time, we are slowly but surely getting there. We will patently await the next phase, this time whilst sipping a glass of wine in our local pub.

1 Metre Social Distance

From the 4th July the social distance will be “one metre plus”, this is because in certain situations it’s too difficult to be 2 meters apart. Although this rule has changed you must stay 2 meters apart wherever possible to protect yourself and others. Businesses have been asked to take steps to reduce the potential spread of the Coronavirus, including avoiding face to face seating, reducing the number of people in enclosed spaces, using protective screens and face coverings. You can help reduce the risk by wearing a face covering in busy places, washing, or sanitising your hands often, avoiding being face to face, reducing your time spent inside shops etc. If we all stick to these guidelines the quicker life can return to normal.

Social distance diagram

Social distance diagram
Photo Credit:

What is reopening on the 4th July?





Holiday Accommodation

Museums & Galleries





Rules for Hospitality

- Guidelines must be followed by pubs, bars, cafes, and restaurants for them to reopen

- Table service for all customers indoors

- Customers will have to provide their contact details upon entry

- Businesses will be strictly monitoring the volume of customers in busy areas such as doorways

Girls eating out

Friends enjoying eating out 
Photo Credit: Getty Images


Meeting other Households

Two households no matter the size can meet indoors or outside, with the option to stay overnight. This must strictly be a maximum of two households indoors as the risk is too high for multiple amounts. It is possible to meet a different household on separate occasions. If outdoors multiple households can meet up with a maximum of 6 people, or two households with no limit on the amount of people. The minimum 1 metre social distance still applies unless part of your support bubble.

Friends enjoying a BBQ

Friends enjoying a BBQ
Photo Credit: Getty Images

Myths Set Straight


Can standard face masks be worn to exercise?

No, a mask will not allow you to breath properly especially if wet from sweating, sweat also promotes the growth of microorganisms.


Can shoes spread the Coronavirus?

It is very unlikely your shoes will spread the virus, although take your shoes off and leave them by the front door to be on the safe side.


Will I die if I catch the Coronavirus?

Most people who get COVID-19 will have minor to moderate symptoms and will recover from it.


Can I catch the Coronavirus from flies?

No, COVID-19 is spread by droplets in the air when an infected person coughs, sneezes speaks or through a contaminated surface.


Can I catch the Coronavirus in hot and humid climates?

Yes, therefore it’s important to keep to the social distance of at least 1 metre and wash or sanitise your hands regularly.


Can the Coronavirus be transmitted by mosquitos?

No, the Coronavirus is a respiratory virus spread by droplets in the air when an infected person coughs, sneezes speaks or through a contaminated surface.




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